Dancing Tree Somatic Energy Healing by Staci Boden

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Energy matters, hugely.

Not much about this summer has gone as I imagined.

In fact, as I write this, my family is days away from navigating a big surgery for a beloved elder. It's a good thing. And it's a big thing.

Throughout, my relationship with following energy has been a guiding force.

I can recognize fears so they become a source of awareness and choice. Connecting with my body helps me access intuition. Staying behind the energy of my intention to support without over giving keeps codependency in check. And most of all, constantly practicing letting go as the biggest mama teacher of surrender initiates us all through the depths of the unknown is facilitating a healing journey to literally restore life.

Fear. Awareness. Choice. Body. Intuition. Energy. Intention. Surrender.

I am so damn grateful for how these eight teachers from Turning Dead Ends into Doorways can be a lifeline for following energy.

In the midst of this big initiation in my family, it's also been a summer of magic. I've experienced unbelievable holy shit moments of life rearranging itself for the highest good when energy is held lightly instead of with a death grip of control.

I'm in constant awe at how much energy matters.

This inspires me to carry on. To remain in service to you. To support leaders and change makers in discovering how energy can matter in their world too. To show up for this dead end into doorways collective moment of birthing a new paradigm with every fiber of my being.

In the spirit of carrying on, enjoy a (short) video about how energy matters in leadership as we prepare for our next journey of Following Energy for Change Makers this fall:

P.S. Want to experience the fundamentals of following energy today? Sign-up for my free course!